Chapter 13 Guru
Best Resource for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filers

Our goal is to provide you with information, and help connect you with the best bankruptcy professionals in your area.

Our goal is to provide you with information, and help connect you with the best bankruptcy professionals in your area.

Our goal is to provide you with information, and help connect you with the best bankruptcy professionals in your area.

Our Philosophy
Guiding You Towards Financial Health

It is our duty to help as many individuals and families as possible regain a level of financial security

Looking Forward
Life After Bankruptcy

Reaching Your Post-Bankruptcy Goals

We also seek to provide you with resources that will assist you in obtaining your post-bankruptcy goals

We also seek to provide you with resources that will assist you in obtaining your post-bankruptcy goals

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Chapter 13 Guru is Here To Help

As the number one resource for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filers we understand that filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult, complicated, and overwhelming process. Our mission is to provide the information, tools, and guidance you need in order to complete your bankruptcy successfully.


*Legal information is not legal advice, so please contact your attorney for advice regarding your particular case.  Some links within this website may lead to other sites. Chapter 13 Guru does not necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites.


We will provide you with an in depth understanding of the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy process.  As well as identifying the key differences of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. It is our goal to provide every individual the same understanding of the bankruptcy process and potential hurdles.

Connect With Local Professionals

One of our primary goals is to provide you with a connection to a bankruptcy professional in your area.  Whether it is an attorney who can help guide you through the process, or a realtor helping identify your next home.

Questions & Answers

We also provide you with visibility to a multitude of questions that we have encountered from our clients through our years of service.  Our experience with servicing clients has positioned us as a trusted source for answers to these questions.

Keep up to date with what our bankruptcy experts are saying…

5 Common Reasons For Bankruptcy

September 10th, 2018|0 Comments

Here are The Five Common Reasons for Bankruptcy On behalf of The Law Offices of Sutton & Sutton on Thursday, August 2, [...]

Can I Get Debt Relief Without Filing For Bankruptcy?

August 31st, 2018|0 Comments

  Whether you face credit card debt, or other types of unsecured debt.  It is possible to get debt relief [...]

Finding Bankruptcy Professionals

August 23rd, 2018|0 Comments

How To Connect With the Right Bankruptcy Professionals Just as there are good doctors and bad doctors, good [...]

Can You Buy a Home While You are in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

August 23rd, 2018|0 Comments


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